Aloha Friday Photo: Maui sunset silhouette + Coronavirus travel restriction update

Aloha Friday Photo: Maui sunset silhouette + Coronavirus travel restriction update


Mahalo to Chris Hill for sharing this lovely shot with us for Aloha Friday Photos. Chris took this photo on Maui during a visit in January 2019.

Hawaii Coronavirus Travel Restriction Update

Quarantine to be extended beyond June

Yesterday, Gov. Ige hosted a Facebook Community Connection in which he and the island mayors took questions from the public. One person asked if the 14-day quarantine would be extended beyond June 30. The governor responded:

“We will be extending the quarantine beyond June 30th. We talk about that all the time and certainly will be making that announcement soon. Inter-island is different, but transpacific continues to be a concern.”

So, the extension beyond June is not official yet, but the governor is clearly indicating that it will be made official soon. He’s also not indicated how much longer beyond June that the quarantine will be in place.

Travel Bubble may open between Hawaii and Japan

There’s a concept of a “travel bubble’ which would open tourism without quarantine from another low infection destination. That’s a concept that we’ve heard that Hawaii leaders are considering and recently that concept appears to be taking more shape. The proposed first route of tourism is with Japan. You can read about this news via this Star-Advertiser article.

“Medium risk” businesses are reopening for residents

The number of Hawaii’s cases of COVID-19 remains low as compared to the rest of the country. The number of new cases have been in the lower, single digits and there has even been a string of consecutive days without a new case. As such, the islands have plans to reopen more shops, parks and salons for island residents. Restaurants will be opening for dine-in services. Everything that will be reopening will require social distancing. The reopening of these sites and establishments vary by island.

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